PRE / POST 24:00 Camping Information

Many of you like to arrive at Palo Duro Canyon State Park early and stay later to enjoy its beauty. We’ve worked with the park staff to simplify the process. If this applies to you, here’s how to make it happen:

If you need a camping spot for Thursday (May 30) and/or Sunday (June 2) night, you can coordinate it at the park gate when you arrive. They’ll have a list of campsites, and you can pay for those nights upon arrival. The park has these nights reserved, ensuring that you should be able to keep the same spot from Thursday night to Monday morning. Remember that your camping for Friday and Saturday nights are provided with your 24:00 registration.

For camping spots on other nights, contact Texas Parks and Wildlife at (512) 389-8900 or visit their website HERE.

Thanks to Palo Duro Canyon State Park staff for making this system easier for everyone.